Body Electric
Publication Series
Visual Communication Design Course Project

A series of three publications investigating the modern female form.

b is not a, 270mm×150mm, Edition of 3, 374 pages

A collection of fakes. Pseudonyms and pseudo-images of the vagina have been arbitrarily
connected into pairs that ultimately signify nothing, if anything the underlying
antagonism and shame for the female reproductive organ that is coded into us all.

Cyborg Vanity, 210mm×260mm, Edition of 10, 224 pages

A compilation of the body as it is displayed on Instagram,
captions uploaded with the images, and articles that may lead to insight on whether
a selfie is a positive effort for self-branding or demoralizing continuation of female objectification.

Including Chapter 3 from Ways of Seeing by John Berger, Chapter 8 from Simians, Cyborgs and Women
by Donna Haraway and Instagram Use and Self-Objectification: The Roles of Internalization,
Comparison, Appearance Commentary, and Feminism by Chandra E. Feltman & Dawn M. Szymanski.

The Collective Vanity Initiative, 120mm×200mm, Edition of 5, 226 pages

Assorted essays and images edited together as a collaborative look into self-love.

John Berger stated that in the tradition of Western art, although painted for the pleasure of the male viewer,
the naked woman portrayed with a mirror in her hand was ridiculed as vain.
Now instead of the mirror we women hold smartphones. Is the concept of vanity still pressing the button?


* This is an independent project. No profit was created from the resulting pieces.